When journalism is turned off: Preliminary findings on the effects of Meta’s news ban in Canada

Sara Parker, Saewon Park, Zeynep Pehlivan, Alexei Abrahams, Mika Desblancs, Taylor Owen, Jennie Phillips, and Aengus Bridgman

April 18, 2024 — This document presents preliminary findings of an ongoing research project on the effects of Meta’s decision to end news availability on its platforms for Canadian users. It examines the impact of this “news ban” on Facebook, specifically focusing on how it affected engagement with Canadian news outlets on Facebook and behaviour within politically-oriented Canadian Facebook Groups. 

Our key findings: 

  • Even six months after the ban, a large number of Canadians (approximately 33%) still say they use Meta’s flagship social media platforms Facebook or Instagram for access to Canadian political and current affairs information.

  • The Facebook Pages of national news outlets lost approximately 64% of their Facebook engagement following the end of news availability for Canadian users. Local news outlets lost approximately 85%. Almost half of all local news outlets stopped posting on Facebook entirely in the four months following the ban. 

  • Engagement with politically relevant pages and groups has remained unchanged since the ban, suggesting politically-oriented users have not reduced their Facebook usage. 

  • Members of politically-oriented Facebook Groups have circumvented the ban by posting screenshots of Canadian news articles. Although there are fewer screenshots of news post-ban than there were links to news articles pre-ban, the total engagement with news content in these Groups has remained consistent. 

Overall, we observe that the end of news availability on Facebook has resulted in a significant decrease in engagement for Canadian news outlets, but has not substantially changed the behavior of Canadian Facebook users.

About the Media Ecosystem Observatory 

The Media Ecosystem Observatory is an interdisciplinary research initiative dedicated to analyzing the complex web of online harms and digital threats to democracy, while actively working to safeguard against them.


State of the Canadian Media Ecosystem